December 12, 2015 Bible Study — Will You Invite Jesus Into Your Home?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 29:23

    If you become filled with pride, you will end up humiliated. However, if you humbly do your best, recognizing that others are just as important as you, you will be honored.


Psalm 131

    Let us calm and quiet ourselves. I will not fret about things I cannot understand. I will trust God to make them clear to me in His own time. I will humbly rely on the knowledge that God understands those things. I will not proudly and haughtily declare that I understand things which I do not.
    I notice a theme here today. I know that I regularly need a reminder to be humble. Things go well for me for awhile and I promptly begin to think I am better than others. Then God reminds me that all that I have and am is a gift from Him. Today’s proverb and psalm are a reminder for me to not forget that.


Revelation 3:7-22

    The message to the church at Philadelphia commended them for recognizing the opportunity which God had provided them and taking advantage of it. It also commended them for recognizing that they needed to rely on God to overcome. We are called on to recognize our weakness, to remain humble. All God asks of us is that we persevere. He will do the rest. In many ways the church at Loadicea was the opposite of the church at Philadelphia. They thought they had everything they needed. They did not need God’s help. They were not seeking God. The message to them paints one of the great pictures of our relationship with God. God is standing at our door, knocking. All we have to do is open the door and invite Him in. Will you invite Jesus into your life and share a meal with Him?


Amos 7-9

    God sent two visions of the judgment He planned to send against Israel, one of locusts, one of fire. In both cases, Amos plead with God to not do as the visions showed and God relented. However, God sent Amos a third prophecy of the destruction He was going to bring against Israel. This time God declared that He would not be dissuaded. God would no longer put off His judgment against those who were anxious to finish their worship and religious observations so that they could get back to oppressing the poor. God will not forestall His judgment of those who cheat others and oppress the poor just because they follow the correct forms.
    This prophecy was not just for the people of Amos’ day. God is bringing His judgment against those who use their power and wealth to cheat and steal from those less wealthy or powerful than themselves. The Israelites were not more important to God than the Ethiopians, or the Philistines, or the Arameans. In like manner, we are not more important to God today than those from other nations. The day is coming when God will shake all of the nations so that He can separate the grain from the chaff.

December 11, 2015 Bible Study — Does Our Church Make A Difference?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 29:21-22

    Those who cannot control their temper start fights and get themselves into all kinds of other sins. Learn to control your temper if you desire to live a godly life. I have always striven to control my temper, but I am not always successful.


Psalm 130

    God will hear and answer our call when we cry out from despair. No matter how desperate we are God can, and will, help us when we call on Him. Each and every one of us, if we are honest with ourselves, knows that we could not stand before God if He kept a record of our sins. It is only because He is willing to forgive us time and again that we can come before Him. The only reason we have the opportunity to learn to do right is because God will forgive us when we do wrong and keep no record of our failures. We can count on God and any hope we put in Him will be rewarded.


Revelation 2:18-3:6

    The church at Thyatira was commended for their love, faith, service, and endurance. The only thing they were condemned for was allowing a false prophetess who promoted sexual immorality to teach among them. Rather than teach sexual purity, the church allowed this woman to remain among them teaching that it was not only OK, but spiritually beneficial to practice some sort of sexual immorality (the passage does not tell us what type, and it does not matter). The key here is that false teachers often use sexual immorality as a hook to lure people away from the true Gospel. We need to teach the importance of sexual purity in our churches. I will note that, even though the church here is condemned for allowing this “prophetess” to remain among them, those who refused to follow her teachings were praised and encouraged. Even though the church allowed her to be among them, there were still those (by my reading a significant number) who remained faithful. This gives me hope for those in churches which today are accepting, to an ever greater degree, teachings which say that various forms of sexual immorality are not sin.
    I have always though that the message to the church at Sardis was the one which should give us the greatest pause. The church at Sardis had a reputation for being a vibrant, active, faithful congregation, but the message to them was that they were dead. I am not sure what was going on here, but I can guess. They had the forms of an enthusiastic, faithful congregation. Their worship services were vibrant, with messages which hit all the right points. Those in attendance were filled with excitement and joy, but that was it. When the service was over, they left and went about their lives no different than the people around them who did not attend their services. This is such an easy trap to fall into. Our church can teach all the right things, but no one in it does anything which makes any difference in the world around them. Even here there were a few people who were faithful, which shows us that we cannot let ourselves off because we can point to others in our church who are doing the will of God. What are we doing to change the world around us for the better?


Amos 4-6

    Amos relays God’s message that He had brought drought, famine, and plague, one after another. Yet the people refused to repent of their sins and worship God. They continued to oppress the poor and mistreat the needy. Amos warns them that God will bring judgment against them for their sins. A society which hates honest judges and despises those who tell the truth will soon face more troubles than any person can bear. God’s judgment will soon fall upon it.
    God’s judgment is coming upon all who fail to do good and flee from evil. However, God will be the helper and defender of those who hate evil, love good, and seek justice for the poor and powerless. Those who lounge in luxury while the poor suffer and starve will face God’s judgment.

December 10, 2015 Bible Study — Let’s Keep Working Until We Get It All Right

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 29:19-20

    As I read these two proverbs they each remind me of someone in the news. Both of those men have demonstrated that they should have spent more time studying God’s word. Words alone are not enough to bring about a change of behavior. It is only when those in authority take some action that people will change their behavior. Those who speak before thinking through the implications of what they are about to say have demonstrated themselves to be the worst sort of fool.


Psalm 129

    I truly believe that this psalm is a prophecy. Those who hate Jerusalem and the Jewish people will be turned back in defeat.


Revelation 2:1-17

    Every year when I read the messages to the seven churches I am blessed. A couple of things struck me today. The first is that Jesus had a message for each of the churches about what they were doing right, but He also had a message about what they were doing wrong. And His message about what they were doing wrong included Him saying that they needed to repent, or He would bring judgment against them. It is not enough to get it partly right, we need to allow the Holy Spirit to continue transforming us until we are perfected (which is not going to happen in this life).
    The first church, the church at Ephesus, was commended for their hard work, their endurance, and their ability to recognize false teachers. However, Jesus found fault with their lack of enthusiasm. They no longer had the energy for the Gospel which they had when they first accepted it. I have observed that these two things, the positive and the negative, often go together. Those who patiently work hard at doing the Lord’s work and have an instinct for recognizing false prophets/teachers are often boring, uninspired followers of Christ. God wants us to not only patiently endure while working hard at the tasks He has given us. He wants us to be enthusiastic because of the rewards which our faith tells us will be ours.
    The third church, the church at Pergamum, was commended because they were willing to stand up for Christ in the face of persecution, even persecution which led to death. However, they accepted false teachers. In particular, they accepted some who taught that sexual immorality was OK and who encouraged people to be materialistic and greedy. It is not enough to be enthusiastic about proclaiming our faith in Christ. We, also, need to follow His commands about how we live our lives.

    Only the second church, the church at Smyrna, was only given commendation. They were poor and faced persecution. Yet they remained faithful. They were poor in material goods, but in the things which have eternal consequence they were wealthy beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. Let us seek out the kind of wealth which the believers in Smyrna possessed.


Amos 1-3

    When Amos began to prophesy I can imagine that his audience cheered as he listed enemy after enemy of the people of Israel and told how God’s judgment would come upon them. It must have really heartened them to hear him say, “The people of … have sinned again and again.” However, they were probably not so enthusiastic when Amos got to them. It is important for us to recognize that God almost never sends a prophecy that is not also a warning to us. Let us examine ourselves to see if we have forgotten how to do right. Have we filled our houses with wealth taken by theft and violence?

December 9, 2015 Bible Study — The God Who Is, Who Was, And Who Is To Come

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 29:18

    People often say that you do not have to believe in God to be moral. However, each person who does not believe in God defines “moral” for themselves. It is only when we listen to what God says is moral that we have a standard to measure ourselves against. Living to that standard brings joy.


Psalm 128

    If you fear God (and you should fear God, He is frightening) you will follow His ways. And if you follow God’s ways, you will find your life filled with joy. These are things which just naturally follow each other.


Revelation 1

    In many ways verse 8 contains one of the best ways to understand who Jesus, and God, is: “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”(I prefer the NIV phrasing). I am going to break that down a bit.

  • I am the Alpha and the Omega
  • God (and Jesus) began everything that is and was here before there was anything else. He set in motion everything which has happened. Not only will He still be here when it comes to an end, it is God who will bring it to an end.

  • who is
  • No matter when in history we live, or where in the universe we are, God is alive and present.

  • who was
  • No matter what event we might look back upon, no matter what point in history we think about, God was there and it happened the way it did because that was what God chose to happen.

  • who is to come
  • No matter what the future holds, God will be there. It will happen exactly according to God’s plan.

  • the Almighty
  • God has the power to make things come out exactly as He chooses and no one has the ability to change that in the least.


Joel 1-3

    I always like reading the Book of Joel because unlike the other prophets his prophecy is inspired by a natural disaster, not an invading army.. It lends his words a different flavor. In the wake of disaster, Joel reminds us to repent and turn to God. Let us fast and pray, but don’t make a production out of it. We should do so out of a genuine desire to hear God’s will and change. If we come together as a people and choose to do as God desires, God will pour out His blessings upon us. If we come together in prayer and fasting, genuinely, God will fill us with His Spirit. But not just us, He will pour His Spirit upon those around us and He will cause them to pray and fast. Then He will pour out His Spirit upon those around them, until the whole earth is filled with His Spirit. All God wants is two or three of us to do His will. He will use those two or three to convey His Spirit to ever more people until the entire world is covered by His Spirit.

December 8, 2015 Bible Study — Love the Sinner, But Hate the Sin

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 29:15-17

    If parents want their children to grow in wisdom, they must discipline them. Children who have been disciplined will behave in a manner which gives their parents joy and peace of mind. The mother who refuses to discipline her child will be disgraced by their behavior time and time again. I have seen the truth of these proverbs repeatedly.


Psalm 127

    There is no point in working hard if you are not working on a project that God favors. And, if you are working yourself to exhaustion you are not following God’s plan for the project because God gives His workers rest so that they may do His work efficiently (and because He loves them).



    The purpose of this letter is to warn us against those who claim to be believers yet teach that God’s grace allows us to live immoral lives. The writer warns us against those who scoff at ideas which they, and perhaps we, have trouble understanding (for example, the Trinity). He tells us that such people live only to satisfy their own desires. They brag about themselves, flatter those they are with, while grumbling and complaining about those who are not present. Instead of grumbling and complaining about those who are failing to live according to God’s will, let us show them love. However, we need to be cautious not to become contaminated by the sin which fills their lives. It is from this passage that we get the phrase, “Love the sinner, but hate the sin.”


Hosea 10-14

    The prophet reminds of a common human failing. The richer we get, the more God blesses us with material goods, the more we put our trust in things other than God. Now is the time to seek the Lord. Let us break up the hard ground of our hearts and plant seeds of righteousness. Otherwise God will break it up for us. If we plant those seeds of righteousness we will harvest a crop of God’s love. If we choose not to do so, instead choosing to cultivate wickedness, we will harvest a crop of sin, and sin, when it fully ripens brings death.

December 7, 2015 Bible Study — Support Traveling Teachers

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 29:12-14

    When a leader gives credence to a liar, it will not be long until only wicked people are willing to give him advice (and they will gladly do so). Both the oppressor and the oppressed were made by God…and it is God’s intention that they love and care for one another. A government which gives justice to the poor will stand the test of time. However, if and when it stops doing so its days become numbered.


Psalm 126

    Let us live our lives so that those around us will see what God has done for us and say, “What amazing things the Lord has done for them.” In this life we plant the seeds of God’s word in tears and sorrow, but God will give us a harvest of joy and laughter.


3 John 1-14

    The writer encourages us to support those who travel around teaching God’s word to those who do not yet believe. Further, he warns us to be wary of Church leaders who undermine such missions because they are unable to control them. He reminds us not to follow bad examples, but only allow ourselves to be influenced by those who do the right things.


Hosea 6-9

    The words of Hosea were directed at Israel but they can be applied to us today. God wants us to know Him, to fellowship with Him, more than He wants sacrifices and offerings. He wants us to show love to our fellow man more than He wants us to follow any particular set of rules (although the rules He gave us are a good starting point for showing love). We have broken His covenant and betrayed His trust. He wants to heal us, but in order for Him to do so we must stop sinning. How many people do you know who are looking everywhere for an answer, but refuse to look to God? Are we not guilty of doing the same? We look for ways to stop the mass shootings, the acts of terrorism, that have happened lately, but we do not look to God! There have even been headlines claiming that God will not, cannot, help. I know that He can, and will, solve this problem, if we will only turn to Him and ask.

December 6, 2015 Bible Study — If You Do Not Love Your Fellow Man You Are Breaking God’s Commands

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 29:9-11

    It is foolish to think that you can make things better by venting your anger. The wise restrain themselves and let their anger cool before expressing themselves.


Psalm 125

    If we trust the Lord, and act accordingly, we will be safe and secure. Furthermore the psalmist points out that if the people of a land are godly, their rulers will not be wicked. So, when the people believe that those running the government are evil, they have no one but themselves to blame. If they chose to start being godly, their rulers will be replaced with godly ones.


2 John

    We should love one another. This is not a new command with this letter, rather it goes back to the beginning of Jesus’ teachings and, for that matter, to the beginning of the world. There is a circular logic in the writer’s argument, but one with real logic to it if you pay close attention. In order to show our love to others, and to God, we need to follow God’s commands. However, we are not following God’s commands if we do not love one another. There is no separation between the two things. Every act which goes against God’s commands is a failure to love others. However, no matter what we do, we are not following God’s commands if we do not love one another.
    The writer brings up another point. In our effort to love others, we must not encourage those who are teaching falsehood and deception. In particular, he points out those who teach that Christ was not truly a man. Even though he does not spell it out, I believe that the author would also include those who teach that Jesus was ONLY a man as well.


Hosea 4-5

    For me the key message in all of Hosea’s prophesies is in verse 4 of chapter 4:

Don’t point your finger at someone else and try to pass the blame!

There is special blame for the leaders for the people’s sins because they have led the people into idolatry and sin. It was the leaders’ job to lead the people into righteous and upright behavior and they have not only failed to do so, but they have done the opposite. However, this does not excuse the people because they have rejected those leaders who tried to lead them into righteous and upright behavior. Instead, the people have chosen to follow those leaders who lead them into idolatry and sin. Each and every one of us must take responsibility for our own actions. We must repent of our sins and turn to God.

December 5, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 29:5-8

    People sometimes believe flattery and make mistakes as a result. So be careful about flattering your friends. You do not want to be the reason they think they are more capable than they really are. If you wish to be godly, care about the rights of the poor. It is only the wicked who fail to care.


Psalm 124

    I will remember that my life would be much different, and much worse, if God had not stood at my side and protected me. I know that He will continue to stand by my side. I will praise His name for what He has done for me.


1 John 5

    Anyone who believes that Jesus is the Chosen One of God has become a child of God. If you love the Father, you will love His children. The corollary being that if you do not love His children (every one of them) you do not love Him. Of course it works the other way as well. If love God’s children we will love God. If you do not love God, you do not love His children. God has testified that Jesus is His Son. Therefore if you do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God, you are calling God a liar. You cannot simultaneous call God a liar and claim to trust Him for your salvation. Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God can win the battle we are waging against the world.


Hosea 1-3

    Every time I read Hosea I feel bad for his children, receiving such names. Hosea prophesied that Israel would be treated by God as if He did not love them, as if they were not His people. Despite this their numbers would increase and God would once more take them back, show them His love, and call them His people. For the most part this passage is about Israel as a group of people, but there is also a lesson here for us as individuals.
    We can learn a lesson from how Hosea dealt with his wife. He married her despite her reputation as a prostitute/immoral woman. When she was unfaithful to him, he put her aside. Yet, after a time, while she was still unfaithful to him, he bought her back. This reflects our relationship with God. We are like Gomer, Hosea’s wife. God brought us to Him despite our deserved reputation for unfaithfulness. He treated us well, but when we refused to be faithful He sent us away. Yet, God will still redeem us and give us a chance to turn to Him and give up our worship of things other than Him.

December 4, 2015 Bible Study — If You Love God You Will Love Your Fellow Man

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 29:2-4

    When the wicked run the government their policies lead everyone else to suffer, sometimes because of government oppression, sometimes just because of the economic consequences of government policy. When the godly run the government their policies lead everyone to be glad. The third of today’s proverbs explains part of why this is so. When the rulers enforce justice, there is stability because people know what to do to avoid government sanctions. When the rulers demands bribes there is instability because there is no way to know what will bring the government down on one’s business.


Psalm 123

    This psalm reminds us how we should live our lives. We should keep our eyes constantly on God so that we can see the smallest change in His will for us. I will focus on God so that I know when my actions cause Him even the most mild displeasure. I will strive to change my actions to bring Him pleasure, no matter how large or small those changes may need to be.


1 John 4

    If we are truly children of God then God’s Spirit lives in us. If God’s Spirit lives in us then we will love one another. If we do not have love for our fellow believers, and our fellow man, then God does not live in us and we are not His children. More than that, if God lives in us we will acknowledge both that Jesus is the Son of God and that He came in a real, human body. No one who denies either of those things is a child of God, let alone a prophet of God. If we wish to live in God we must live in love. The longer we live in God’s will the more we will love our fellow man. As God’s love grows in us, our fear will diminish. The more we are filled with God’s love the less we will fear God’s judgment. But, as we grow in love, not only will we have less fear of God’s judgment, we will have less fear of what mortals can do to us. We will have lees fear of anything.
    No one can honestly say that they love God if they hate their fellow man. If we love God we will love those whom God loves and God loves all of mankind.


Daniel 11:36-12:13

    Daniel continues his description of the trials and troubles which will come. He tells us that many will be refined, cleansed, and purified by the trials and tribulations that will occur during the end times (and, during other times of strife which we might not consider as the “end times”). However, the wicked will continue in their wickedness and will fail to acknowledge, or even recognize, the ways in which events are working out according to God’s plans and predictions. Let us strive to be among the former and not the latter.

December 3, 2015 Bible Study — How Do We Know What Is Right?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 29:1

    If you are too stubborn to change your behavior when people give you well-deserved criticism you will be suddenly destroyed with no hope for redemption.


Psalm 122

    Are we like the psalmist? Are we glad when they say, “Let us go to the House of the Lord?” or do we think, “It is so boring there?” Or worse yet, are we the people who cause others to say that the house of the Lord is boring? Let us strive to make the gathering of God’s people a place where others want to be. Let us strive to make the gathering of the Lord’s people something that those who love the Lord are sad when they cannot be there.


1 John 3:7-24

    If we do what is right we demonstrate that we are righteous in the same way that Christ is righteous, but if we keep on sinning we demonstrate that we belong to the devil. We cannot belong to both God and the devil, we must choose one or the other. And how do we know what is right? We know what is right by loving our fellow believers and acting out that love. Jesus gave us an example of what real love was when He gave up His very life for us. Therefore we should be ready and willing to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters in Christ (and those we hope will be our brothers and sisters in Christ).
    Cain murdered Abel because Abel did what was pleasing to God and Cain hated him for it. In the same way the people of this world are likely to hate us. While the people of this world may hate us, we should love them because God desires for them to become our brothers and sisters. Those who hate others are no better than murderers. In fact, they are murderers. It is not possible to be both a murderer and a loving child of God.


Daniel 11:2-35

    The angel Gabriel recounts to Daniel the fall of the Persian Empire to Alexander the Great and the four kingdoms into which his empire was divided. The account describes the conflict between the two which fought over the land of Israel. The key message in all of this is that God is in control of history and knows what comes next.