August 22, 2015 Bible Study — Orderly and Proper, Not Staid and Boring

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 21:27

    It is detestable when someone makes offerings and sacrifices to offset wicked behavior they have no intention of changing. It is even worse when they make those offerings with the intention of getting the righteous to cover for them.


Psalm 37:30-40

    The godly give good advice and teach right from wrong. More importantly, they internalize God’s law and live it, even when no one is watching. It may seem as if the wicked are flourishing and immune to all of trouble. It seems they will stand the test of time. Yet, look away for but a moment and when you look back they will be gone, all trace of them wiped from the earth.


1 Corinthians 14:18-40

    Paul continues his teaching about spiritual gifts. He tells us that when we meet together he would rather we speak five intelligible words than thousands of words in an unknown language. When we get together only one person should speak at a time. When we sing, we should all be singing the same song. Our gatherings should be orderly and proper. If the service is chaotic and disorderly, we are not glorifying God. One final note, orderly and proper does NOT mean staid and boring.


Job 4-7

    Today as I read this it struck me that one of the important lessons about the book of Job is that we need to be careful when we seek to comfort and advise those who are suffering. On the one hand we both want to and ought to give them advice and counsel which may offer them hope and the chance to ease their suffering. On the other hand we must be careful not to conclude that they have done wrong just because they are suffering. People do not always suffer in order to teach them a lesson. Sometimes they experience suffering in order to teach someone else a lesson. That someone else may be us. Let us always be ready to learn the lessons God is trying to teach. And let us welcome the opportunity for God to use our suffering to teach others.

August 21, 2015 Bible Study –Speaking In Tongues Is Good, Prophesying Is Better

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 21:25-26

    The lazy desire all of the good things in life, but refuse to actually work to acquire them. They are greedy for more, more, more. The godly on the other hand are filled with the desire to give in order to fulfill the needs of those less fortunate than themselves.


Psalm 37:12-29

    The wicked seek pleasure in harming the defenseless and profit from those who cannot protect themselves. But God will turn their plots and their weapons against them. I will be satisfied with little rather than turn to wickedness to acquire wealth. The wicked borrow and never repay, while the godly seek those to whom they can give aid.


1 Corinthians 14:1-17

    In today’s passage Paul addresses those who think that all Christians should desire to speak in tongues. It would not be a bad thing if every Christian spoke in tongues, but it would be better if every believer prophesied. Paul points out that, unless someone can interpret what is said, speaking in tongues really only benefits the speaker. On the other hand, if someone has been given a revelation, or special knowledge, or prophesy, or teaching, the whole body benefits.


Job 1-3

    The arguments that Satan makes at the beginning of this passage remind me of the arguments often made about crime, except from the opposite direction. Satan argues, “Well, of course Job does not do wrong. He is wealthy.” The argument we often here today is, “Of course these people commit crimes. They are poor.” Yet, here in this account Job refused to do wrong, even after everything that made his life worth living was taken from him. Which shows us that we cannot determine whether someone will be righteous, or evil, based on the blessings they have received in this life.

August 20, 2015 Bible Study — Nothing Is Worth Doing Without Love

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 21:23-24

    The wrong word at the wrong time is almost always the source of trouble. If you are able to control your words, you will be able to control the rest of your behaviors. The first step to controlling your words is to desire to do so.


Psalm 37:1-11

    This psalm reminds us that we should not spend out time worrying about what others do, not even those who do evil. Let us commit ourselves to the Lord in everything we do. He will judge the wicked in His time. Instead of worrying about the apparent success of the wicked and envying them, let us wait patiently for God to act. If we serve Him in all we do He will show us what to do and reward us for our faithfulness. We may never have the wealth that we see the wicked have, but we will never suffer the torment that comes from their wickedness.


1 Corinthians 12:27-13:13

    Paul concludes his metaphor comparing how the different gifts make us different, but necessary, parts of the Body of Christ by describing what some of those parts are. He points out that we do not all have the same skills and that that is the way it should be. We should therefore seek the most helpful gifts. I realized two new things about what Paul was saying here (besides the understanding I have had for years). The first is that while some gifts help the Church, we only need a few people with them. On the other hand, there are other gifts of which there are never too many people who have them. The second realization I came to is that Paul was telling us that which gifts we should seek will vary from generation to generation as the situation the Church finds itself in changes.
    Having told us to seek the most helpful gifts, Paul tells us that he will now show us the best way to live our lives. Then he writes about love. All other spiritual gifts only have value in as much as they are guided by love. No matter what we do in this life, no matter the sacrifices we make, if we do not do those things out of love for others, we have done nothing of lasting value. Let us seek the gifts which can do the most to help those around us, recognizing that we will not, we can not, help those whom we do not love.


Esther 8-10

    Haman had sent out an edict under the seal of King Xerxes saying that the Jews should be killed and that those who killed them could claim their property. By Persian law, this edict could not be repealed. However, King Xerxes allowed Mordechai to draft another edict designed to offset Haman’s edict. Mordecai’s edict allowed the Jews to unite and defend themselves. The results show that those who seek to profit by abusing and killing others will themselves be abused and killed.

August 19, 2015 Bible Study — Many Gifts, One Giver

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 21:21-22

    They key to a life filled with righteousness and honor is to seek righteousness and love. If you put your effort in to living righteously and loving others you will find life, righteousness, and honor.


Psalm 36

    This psalm makes a point we often forget. The wicked have no fear of God, in part because they fail to realize how wicked they truly are. In their pride they believe that the evil they do is actually good. Those who think they are not being wicked will never turn from evil to do good.
    We, by our very nature, tend to think of ourselves as good people. It is only when we realize our sinfulness, our wickedness, that God’s Spirit can begin to transform us into His image.


1 Corinthians 12:1-26

    Paul writes that different believers have different spiritual gifts. All of these gifts are manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Each and every one of us receives God’s gifts in order to help the whole body of believers. You did not receive gifts from God in order for you to become famous, or wealthy. It may be that God chose for you to become famous or wealthy because by doing so you could serve Him even more, but neither of those are ends in themselves. Further, the gifts we have received do not make us better than someone who received different gifts…and every believer has received some gift from God. And the gifts which others have received do not make them better than us.
    We are all part of the Body Christ, and we are all as important to the well-being of the Body as any other one of us. Those who have “menial” tasks are every bit as worthy of honor as those who have the “glorious” tasks. In fact, we should probably honor those who do what we consider the menial tasks even more than we honor those who have what we consider to be the glorious tasks. The final point I am going to make is that Paul is very clear here that we should not value one spiritual gift over another. Every spiritual gift is given by God because His work needs it in that place at that time (which means that if God has given you a particular spiritual gift, you had better be using it!).


Esther 4-7

    This passage dovetails nicely with the point I concluded the last section with. When Haman sought to destroy the Jews, Esther found herself in a position to counter his plans. In order to do so she needed to take a risk. The lesson here for us is that God did not put us into the position we are in for us to be comfortable. He put us where He did so that we can serve others and Him. If we refuse to accomplish the task He set us, He will send someone or something else to do so, but we will suffer for our failure to act.

August 18, 2015 Bible Study — Celebrating The Lord’s Supper

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 21:19-20

    The proverb writer tells us that it is better to love alone in a hostile environment (such as a desert) than with someone who is quarrelsome (especially if that someone is your wife, or husband). Think about it and do not do that to your spouse.


Psalm 35:17-28

    It is before God that I wish to be judged. I ask that God judge between me and those who are my enemies. I know that I am not innocent of wrongdoing, but I have faith in God’s mercy. My human enemies will find wrongdoing where I did nothing wrong. They will condemn me for crimes I did not commit. I trust that God will only condemn me for those things I have actually done wrong. I will throw myself on His mercy for those things, because I know that His justice is righteous.


1 Corinthians 11:17-34

    Paul castigates the Corinthian Church for their divisions. When they meet together they divide into factions, each attempting to prove that it is they who have God’s approval, not the others. As I read what Paul is writing here, many of the Corinthian believers were attempting to lift themselves up by putting others down. This is always a mistake, because the only way for us to lift ourselves up in God’s eyes is to raise others above ourselves.
    Paul goes on from there to condemn the way they celebrate the Lord’s Supper/Communion. What I always think about when I read this is that the event described by Paul bears little resemblance to our modern celebration of the Lord’s Supper. It is impossible to imagine anyone abusing our modern Communion the way in which Paul condemns the Corinthian believers for doing. Paul’s description sounds more like a fellowship meal gone wrong. The more I read this passage, and to some degree even the Gospel accounts of the Last Supper, the more convinced I become that we have lost something in turning Communion into a ritual overseen by “clergy”. It seems to me that Communion should be more a family style event where we reaffirm our family relationship and build bonds with our brothers and sisters while acknowledging the Lordship of Jesus.


Esther 1-3

    The first thing that struck me about today’s passage was the fact that King Xerxes threw a huge party to celebrate how wonderful he was. Then when he had gotten himself and all of his advisers and dignitaries completely potted, not just drunk, but seven days binge drinking drunk, he decided to show off how beautiful his wife was. He did not do this in order to honor Queen Vashti, he did this in order to demonstrate how great he was to be able to get such a beautiful, attractive wife. Queen Vashti did not wish to be paraded before a bunch of men to be gawked over as a piece of her husband’s property. God used King Xerxes foolishness for His own ends, but, men, if you want to have a lasting, happy marriage don’t make the sort of mistake Xerxes made here (there is a lesson here for women, but it’s a stretch, so I am not going there today).

August 17, 2015 Bible Study — Men And Women Need Each Other

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 21:17-18

    If you spend your time and money on pleasure when you should be working or saving you will end in poverty. If you are constantly spending your money on luxuries you will soon have none.


Psalm 35:1-16

    If we faithfully follow Christ we too will experience what the psalmist references in this psalm. There will be those who will do evil to us in response to our good acts. There will be those who lay traps for us even though we did them no wrong. We will fast and pray for them when they suffer, but they will rejoice when we are in trouble. All of this and more we will face as we try to faithfully serve the Lord. However, if we are in that situation we can rely on God to oppose those who oppose us. He will give us victory. So, let us continue to pray for those who do not serve Him, for God will protect us if we do.


1 Corinthians 11:1-16

    In today’s passage Paul tells us that a man dishonors his head if he prays or prophesies with his head covered (the origin of the tradition of men removing hats and caps when the National Anthem is sung. I will come back to this.). He also says that women dishonor their head if they pray or prophesy without a covering on her head (the reason that women wore hats or some other kind of head covering until modern times). I do not fully follow Paul’s argument here.
    I follow the idea that women are supposed to cover their heads because the first woman was created out of the first man. Then Paul says something intended to make sure that men do not become arrogant about this and believe that this makes them overlords over women. He tells us that every man since the first man came out of women. So, the first woman came from man, but every man since that has come from a woman. And both come from God. The resulting teaching is that women are not independent of men, but then neither are men independent of women. We all need each other. There are men who say that they do not need a woman. They are wrong. They may not need a wife, but every man needs at least one woman in his life. Of course, there are women who say that they do not need a man. They are just as wrong. This is not about sexual relations (if you need sexual relations, you need a spouse of the opposite sex).


Nehemiah 12:27-13:31

    Nehemiah had left Jerusalem for a time to return to the court of Artaxerxes. When he got back to Jerusalem he discovered that the men of Judah were working and doing business on the Sabbath, which they had vowed not to do. Nehemiah confronted them and got them to stop. In addition, Nehemiah discovered that some of the Jewish men had married women from the surrounding peoples and had failed to even teach their children to speak their language. In other words, rather than assimilate their wives and children into the people and worship of God, they were assimilating into the local people and pagan worship.
    This is an important lesson for us as Christians. We are called to bring people from our society into the Church. However, we must assimilate them into the culture and society of the Body of Christ, not allow ourselves to assimilated into the secular culture and society that is around us.

August 16, 2015 Bible Study — Free to Do What You Please, But Is THAT Really a Good Idea?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 21:14-16

    Those who do what is right rejoice when society enforces justice, those who wrong are terrified by it. You can see this in people who encourage others to jump to conclusions before the facts are in and then do their best to suppress facts which run counter to the judgment they want people to make.


Psalm 34:11-22

    The key to a good life is to be choose your words correctly. Do not speak evil, do not tell lies. This is the first step, if you do not follow this advice you will be unable to follow the rest. The next step is two-parter. Turn from evil and do good. It is not enough to not do evil, you must also do what is good. Of course, the best way to avoid doing evil is to fill your time with doing good. There is one more step to leading a good life. Search for peace and when you find it, do what you can to maintain it. As I read this, I think about the troubles I see around this country. There are some true problems which have led to these troubles, but the protests and riots are not going to make things better. There are times when protests are necessary, but currently the country needs someone to calm the situation and quietly address the real grievances.


1 Corinthians 10:14-33

    Paul makes several points in today’s passage, but I am going to focus on just one. Here Paul talks about our freedom in Christ. We do have freedom in Christ. We are free to do whatever we choose. The Christian faith does not bind us to a set of rules in the way that the Law of Moses binds those who follow the Jewish faith (or even the way the Koran binds those who follow the Muslim faith). So, we are indeed free to do whatever we choose. However, Paul tells us that we need to remember that not every course of action is good for us. Some courses of action are merely not beneficial (that is they do not harm us, but they also do not improve us). But some actions are actively harmful, either to ourselves or to others (I believe that actions which are harmful to others are almost always, if not always, also harmful to us). We should choose actions which are beneficial for both ourselves and others. Let us not only avoid actions which harm others and ourselves. Let us choose actions which make us all better off, not just the actions which bring us pleasure, but those which improve who we are.


Nehemiah 11:1-12:26

    The leaders of the Jewish people lived in Jerusalem so that they could work together for the good of the entire people. However, in order for it to be viable for them to live there, other people needed to live there as well. The decision was made to choose those people by lot, allowing God to determine who, besides the leaders, should live in Jerusalem. And while they chose them by lot, the passage tells us that those who went to live in Jerusalem did so voluntarily. This is a reminder that we should never use something like the lot to select people for a task who are not willing to undertake the task.

August 15, 2015 Bible Study — Taste and See That The Lord Is Good!

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 21:13

    Another way of expressing the point made by this proverb is, “What goes around, comes around.” Except that this proverb makes it clear that failure to act may be just as bad as acting badly. Yet another way to put this proverb is this, help those in need when you have the opportunity because one day you may be in need and wish for someone to help you.


Psalm 34:1-10

    I love this psalm. I get tired of saying this, but it is true of so many of the psalms. First, it encourages me to praise God all of the time. It does more than that, it challenges me to tell others about what God has done for me, to tell them how He has answered my prayers. This psalm tells us to tell others what God has done for us, inviting them to follow Him.
    However, it reminds us that no one will ever come to saving faith based on our testimony. No, verse eight tells us that the most important part of our invitation must be to invite them to experience God for themselves. It is only when we take the risk and experience God for ourselves that we truly come to faith. If you have not yet come to faith in Christ than I invite you to “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” I am sitting here crying as I write this, thinking of my friends who are starving for God, yet refuse to taste the meal He has laid out for them. They are convinced that it will taste terrible. I have told them how fabulous it is, but there is nothing more I can do until they taste it for themselves.


1 Corinthians 9:19-10:13

    Paul tells us to discipline our bodies. We should train in a manner similar to the way in which professional athletes train. However, we are not seeking to train our bodies to athletic excellence (although we may do that as well), rather we are to train our bodies to the discipline which allows us to better serve God. Let us train our bodies to avoid sin. My recollection is that when I have heard (or read) someone teach on this passage they have emphasized “spiritual” discipline and minimized the idea of physical discipline. I put spiritual in quotes in the last sentence because I am coming to believe that true spiritual discipline cannot be truly separated from physical discipline. If we wish to have spiritual discipline (and I believe that we are called to do so) we must also have physical discipline.
    This passage comes at a good time for me. When I started this blog, I intended to complete it every morning. For some time now I have started it in the morning but have been letting it go until later in the day to complete. Over the last few days I have been convicted that I need to start disciplining myself to completing it in the morning before work (or whatever other activities I do for the day). In addition, my blood sugar has been higher than it should be a good bit. I need to discipline my diet so as to bring that back down. Until this morning I did not see those two things as connected. However, I believe that they are. I believe that as I discipline myself to complete my devotions (this blog) first thing in the morning it will help me discipline myself to bring my blood sugar down. And as I discipline my diet to bring my blood sugar down it will help me discipline myself to complete my devotions first thing in the morning. I pray that the Holy Spirit aid me in this twofold endeavor.


Nehemiah 9:22-10:39

    The leaders of the Levites led the people in a prayer in which they acknowledged that the hardship they were facing was a result of their sins, and the sins of their ancestors. The Jewish people were subject to the authority of the Persian Empire because when times were good they had repeatedly turned from God to worshiping idols. At the end of this prayer the people vowed to separate themselves from the pagans living around them. They would not marry anyone who did not worship God. They vowed that they would not do business on the Sabbath or other Holy Days. There is an important element in their vow. They did not say that they would strive to prevent those who did not worship God from doing business on those days. They merely vowed that they would not do business with them on those days.

August 14, 2015 Bible Study — Do Not Muzzle the Ox

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 21:11-12

    The foolish only change their behavior when they see someone get punished for that behavior. It is sufficient to inform the wise that you find certain behavior unacceptable. The wise will change their behavior out of respect for you.


Psalm 33:12-22

    There is great joy for any nation whose people make God their Lord. God sees the whole human race and understand everything we do, even when we do not. It is not by our strength, our knowledge, our wisdom, nor our wealth that we will be victorious. It is God who will deliver us from defeat. It according to His will that those who fear Him will be successful in what they do. I will put my hope in God, not in my puny abilities. If my skill is sufficient to the tasks which God has given me, it is not to my credit, but to His. If my skill is insufficient to His tasks, I know that God will supply me with aid to make up for the lack.


1 Corinthians 9:1-18

    Paul first makes a point that those who preach the Gospel and those who teach others how to live according to God’s word are entitled to be supported by those to whom they preach or teach (or both). This is an important thing to remember. We should all be willing to pay the support costs of those who lead the local Body of Christ. However, Paul then goes on to make the point that he not only never demanded such support from the Church at Corinth, he actively rejected it. He did not do this because he was too good for them. Rather he did this because he felt compelled to preach the Gospel to them. It was only by doing so at his own expense that he felt he was doing something worth mention.
    I have struggled with what Paul says here because he sounds like he is bragging. However, I am convinced that Paul is trying to inspire some to imitate him in this way. I have become convinced that, while the Church should willingly support its ministers, the Church needs some leaders who refuse to accept a salary for doing God’s work. Some of the movers and shakers in the larger Church body need to be people who receive no human recompense for the time they spend doing God’s work.


Nehemiah 7:73-9:21

    After they had completed the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem, the people gathered to hear the Law of Moses read. I find it interesting to read how they arranged for multiple speakers to repeat what Ezra said as he read the Law. Each speaker had a copy of the Law and they read along as Ezra read. As the people heard what the Law had to say, they began to weep. The leaders encouraged them to refrain from sorrow because the festival they were celebrating was one of joy. This first celebration was to praise God and thank Him for bringing them back to Jerusalem.
    A month later, the people reconvened to confess their sins and express their sorrow for those sins. First they celebrated the wonderful things God had done for them. Then they expressed their remorse and sorrow for their sins. I do not think this is always the order we should follow, but there is an important truth here. There are times when we are called to celebrate the joy we feel because of what God has done for us, and there are times when we are called to weep and mourn because of the pain we have caused God and others. We should not always be joyful and we should not always be sorrowful.

August 13, 2015 Bible Study — It Is Wrong To Encourage Others To Do What They Believe Is Wrong

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 21:8-10

    The first of these proverbs represents a basic fact that many people do not understand. I have known people who were secretive about their behavior and went out of their way to leave people confused about what they had, and had not done. They could never understand why people were always suspicious of them when those people had never actually caught them doing wrong. They would get angry when they were accused without evidence for the wrong they had done, demanding to know why the person thought they had done the deed, and insisting that the only reason the person thought they were guilty was because of unjust prejudice (even though they were indeed guilty as charged). They did not realize that the very tactics they were using in an attempt to hide their guilt gave it away.


Psalm 33:1-11

    This psalm reminds me of many great hymns and songs of praise, even though I cannot think of one I know based on it. Let us praise the Lord and make music with any and every instrument we can find to honor His name. His word holds true for all time. It does not change with the seasons, nor with the latest fad. People may insist that God did not really mean what He said when He called this or that wrong, but when the consequences of doing those things come home, they will realize that God did not forbid those actions because He was a killjoy. Rather He told us not to do certain things because He loves us and does not want to see us hurt.


1 Corinthians 8

    The first point Paul makes here is that anyone who thinks they know all the answers does not know all that much. Knowledge makes us feel important, but love causes us to make OTHERS feel important. Therefore love is more valuable than knowledge. Let us seek to act out of love for our fellow believers rather than out of a desire to be right.
    Paul goes on to discuss the fact that we know that there are no gods besides God. Therefore idols are not actually gods, so anything dedicated to an idol is not really dedicated to anything. The result of this is that there is no harm in using an object (or eating food) which has been dedicated to an idol. However, some people are used to thinking of an idol as a god. For such people using an object (or eating food) which has been dedicated to an idol is an act of worship of something other than God. If by our actions we cause someone else to commit a sin, to worship an idol, we are more in the wrong than they.
    It is the responsibility of those with the stronger faith to look out for those of weaker faith. If you believe that it is not a sin to do something, and thus believe that you are more knowledgeable about Christian faith than those who believe that it is a sin, it is your obligation to make sure that none of your actions encourage them to do that which they believe to be a sin. If you encourage others to do something they believe to be wrong, you are sinning against those other believers and against Christ.


Nehemiah 5:14-7:73

    Nehemiah gives us a good example about what is needed in a leader in troubled times. He did not use his position to enrich himself at the expense of the people. Instead he used his own wealth, the wealth which had allowed him to gain a position of leadership, to supply the needs which resulted from his position of leadership. This is not a criticism of those who need the support of those they lead (whether as political leaders or in some other leadership role) in order to fulfill their obligations as leader (Nehemiah lays out some of the obligations he had). This is a criticism of those who use their position of leadership to extract wealth for themselves from those whom they lead.