April 11, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:27-28

    The connotation of this proverb is that even if they do catch game, they cannot be bothered to put out the effort to cook it. On the other hand, those who are successful make use of everything they can from the game they catch and the plants they harvest. This proverb teaches us to make productive use of all the resources which come our way. This proverb is a challenge to find productive uses to put what is otherwise waste.


Psalm 80:1-19

    This psalm gives us an example of how we should pray when we face difficult times. The psalmist calls on God for rescue, but he acknowledges that in order to be rescued by God people need to turn to God. I love this phrasing from the NLT:

Turn us again to yourself, O God.
Make your face shine down upon us.
Only then will we be saved.

He repeats it three times, each time exalting God even more…”O God”, “O God of Heaven’s Armies”, and “O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies”. Let us beg God to turn us again to Him, acknowledging His power and glory.


Luke 14:7-35

    Jesus gives us warning against seeking honour for ourselves. Jesus warns us against assuming positions of high honour for ourselves because it will be incredibly embarrassing if we have to yield them to someone more deserving. Instead, we should assume positions of low prestige. If we do the latter, we will be even more honoured when the host of the event pulls us out to put us in a position of prestige. This advice is not just about events regarding this world. It is of even greater import in heavenly matters, where the host is God Himself.
    Accompanying that advice, Jesus advises us not to throw feasts for those who can reciprocate. Instead of inviting our family and rich neighbours to our parties, we should invite the poor, the blind, the lame, and the crippled, those who will be unable to repay us by inviting us to their parties. When He gives this advice, Jesus tells us that God will repay us for doing this. However, I think He was also making a point about how we invite the better off as a subtle way of holding ourselves up to be admired, “Look at all the A-list people who come to my parties.”


Joshua 3-4:24

    It is easy to overlook the significance of the memorial which Joshua had the Israelites set up after they crossed the Jordan. After all what is the big deal about a stack of twelve rocks? The thing we forget is that these were large rocks, not huge, but large. And they were all water polished. Water polished rocks have distinctive characteristics and looks. Geologists use those characteristics to identify places where there used to be streams and rivers. The memorial the Israelites built would have been a testimony to the fact that they walked through the Jordan on dry ground.

April 10, 2015 Bible Study — The Faith Of Rahab

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:26

    I like reading both the NLT and the NIV for this passage. When I read the translation notes on the NLT it made me realize why there is such a wide difference between the first part of the NLT and the first part of the NIV. My interpretation of this proverb is that the righteous carefully choose friends who will give them good advice because they realize that the wicked will lead their friends astray. Of course, we can look at this from the other side, do we give good advice to our friends? Or does our advice lead them astray? The answer to those two questions tells us a lot about what type of people we are.


Psalm 79:1-13

    This psalm is a reminder that acknowledging God is not, in and of itself enough to guarantee God’s favor. His wrath will fall on those who do not faithfully serve Him, even if they acknowledge Him.


Luke 13:22-14:6

    When Jesus is asked if only a few will be saved, He responds by saying that we should work hard to enter through the narrow door. Following the path of least resistance will not get us into heaven. There are many people who claim to know God about whom God will say, “Get away from me, I never knew you.” In some ways this lesson leads right into the account of Jesus healing on the Sabbath. It is never wrong to do good to help another.


Deuteronomy 34:1-12

    God granted Moses a vision of all of the Promised Land just before his death. By doing so, God showed Moses that the effort Moses had put into leading the children of Israel was not in vain. Despite the many struggles Moses had throughout his life, at the end God showed him what he had truly accomplished.


Joshua 1-2:24

    Rahab made a great statement of faith, both by what she said and what she did. It was Rahab’s faith which saved her from the fate which the rest of the people of Jericho suffered. However, Rahab did not stop with just having faith. She acted on that faith. Paul was thinking of faith like Rahab’s when he said that we were saved by grace through faith. We are not saved by our works. However, if we have the sort of faith which goes along with saving grace, that faith will result in us doing good works.

April 09, 2015 Bible Study — Am I a Barren Fig Tree?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:25

    When those around us are feeling down because of their anxiety, are we prepared to lift their spirits with a kind word?


Psalm 78:65-72

    Despite the many times Israel had rebelled against God, He kept coming back to them. The psalmist points out how He raised up David to lead them. Let us pray that God raises up a David to lead us today.


Luke 13:1-21

    Jesus tells a parable that many of us need to think about carefully. God has planted us in His garden, but He did not plant us there for our benefit. He planted us in His garden so that we could bear fruit. I don’t quite know how to say this, but if our lives have seemed to suddenly get easier perhaps we are running out of time to bear fruit.
    The parable about the mustard seed and the parable of the yeast are related, but make somewhat different points. Both parables make the point that while we, individually, or as a group, may be small and weak, we can make large contributions. The parable of the mustard seed tells us that the group that God has called to a task may be small, but if they faithfully serve God they will grow until they are large enough to fulfill the task for which He called them. The parable of the yeast tells us that even though those who are serving God may be few, if they faithfully serve God they will influence the society around them completely out of proportion to their numbers.


Deuteronomy 33:1-29

    When Moses blessed the tribes of Israel, he described them each being faithful to God and the blessings which they would receive as long as they remained faithful. Each of the tribes was called to different things, and each of them was promised a different blessing for as long as they remained faithful. The same thing holds true today. God offers each of us blessings in line with the personalities He has given us. These blessings come as a result of us being faithful in the mission to which God has called us. He calls each of us to a mission which has been custom designed for the gifts and personality traits which God has given us.

April 8, 2015 Bible Study — Decide For Yourself What Is Right

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.

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Proverbs 12:24

    The path to leadership is hard work. If you want to be a leader, work hard. Those who are lazy end up being forced to do work that few would choose for themselves.


Psalm 78:56-64

    God is forgiving and will give us many opportunities to turn from our selfishness and rebellion. However, if we continue to rebel against Him our sins will eventually bring His judgment down upon us. This is true of us as individuals and as a people.


Luke 12:35-59

    When Christ returns will He find us doing the work to which He called us? We do not know when Christ will return, therefore we must be prepared all of the time. I find it interesting that Jesus contrasts the faithful servant who feeds the other servants with the wicked servant who beats the other servants, feeds himself, and gets drunk. The lesson here is that we are either faithful servants who are providing for the needs of our fellow servants, or, we are evil servants who are abusing our fellow servants while satisfying our own wants.
    Jesus goes on from that to tell us that He did not come to bring peace on earth. Rather, He came to bring division. He tells us that families will be split apart over what they think of Him. He goes on to tell us that the source of this division is our unwillingness and/or inability to decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong. I have read this passage many times and I do not think I ever noticed before that Jesus said that one of the reasons for our divisions was our failure to decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong. This is an important point. We are not to rely on what a priest, or a pastor, or a reporter/commentator, or a politician (I could go on, but I think you get the point) tells us is the right thing or the wrong thing. We are supposed to listen to the Holy Spirit and figure it out for ourselves. He is not telling us that we should not listen to those people, but we should make up our own minds as to what is right and what is wrong.
    This can be easily interpreted as moral relativism, but Jesus is not saying that right and wrong are subjective. He is telling us that we cannot excuse our failure to do what is right by appealing to authority.


Deuteronomy 32:28-52

    Moses promises that God will give justice to those who are His people, those who serve Him. He will extract vengeance against those who oppress His servants. We do not need to seek revenge for the harms we have suffered. God will pay back those who deserve it.

April 7, 2015 Bible Study — Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:21-23

    It is not wise to constantly remind others of how much you know. Even if you are as knowledgeable as you think you are, you will not advance your cause by telling people everything you know.


Psalm 78:32-55

    This psalm is further reminders of how God continued to forgive the sins of the Israelites despite their faithlessness. Reading this description of how the Israelites did not stay faithful to God despite the great signs and wonders He did on their behalf makes it tempting to feel smug. However, when I look over my life, I see the same thing in my past. God has done wonderful things for me and has demonstrated His power in arranging my life, yet I have time and again fallen short of obeying His will. Perhaps, my readers have done better than I in that respect…it is hard to imagine that they have done worse. This psalm reminds me that God will give me another chance to serve Him. I pray that the Holy Spirit move me to be faithful this time.


Luke 12:8-34

    Jesus throws out a challenge to us in this passage. Are we willing to acknowledge Him publicly? If not, He will not be willing to acknowledge us before the Father. One of the reasons we sometimes are afraid to stand up for Jesus is because we do not know what to say when people challenge our faith. Jesus assures us that the Holy Spirit will provide us with the right words at the right time. This does not mean that we do not need to spend time studying so that we know how to answer those who challenge our faith. It just means that we should acknowledge our faith, even if we are unprepared.
    There is a bumper sticker which says, “He who dies with the most toys wins.” It is wrong, very wrong. Jesus tells us that our material wealth will not be of any use to us when we face God. Let us use the wealth that comes our way on this earth to build up a relationship with God. Jesus goes on to remind us of how flowers are beautifully clothed and birds obtain enough to eat. He tells us that we are much more valuable to God than either of those. God knows what we need and will provide for those needs. It is verse 31 that has long been dear to me,

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.

It inspires me and comforts me. As I write this my spirit within me is once more inspired to strive after the Kingdom of God above all else.


Deuteronomy 31-32:27

    When Moses commissioned Joshua to take his place as the leader of Israel he gave him a message which is for everyone who serves God:

Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; He will neither fail you nor abandon you.

This is yet another admonition against worry. God will lead us and support us, no matter what difficulties we face.

April 6, 2015 Bible Study — Today I Am Giving You a Choice

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:19-20

    There are those who think they can change the world for the better with lies. They are badly mistaken. If you find yourself resorting to deceit to accomplish your goals it is a good clue that your goals are evil and not good. Those who wish to make lasting, positive change to this world rely on the truth.


Psalm 78:1-31

    There are two elements to this psalm (there is that two thing again). Each generation needs to choose to follow God’s commands by their own decision. The parents cannot decide for their children that the children will follow God (although I have known of parents who chose to follow God for their children’s sake). Each person must choose for themselves to give their hearts to God.
    Let us not be like the Israelites in the wilderness. They saw God’s marvelous power displayed for their benefit time and again. Yet, time and again they failed to have faith that God could meet their needs this time. I have seen what God has done in the past, I will have faith in His power and love for the future.


Luke 11:37-12:7

    The important point about this passage is its condemnation of hypocrisy, but we all know that. I was looking for something different to say about this when I realized something I never really thought about before. Jesus is not saying that our outward appearance should not look righteous to those around us. He is saying that we should focus on making our inward being righteous first. When we start to clean up our lives we should start with the parts that others do not see. If we clean up our inward being, our outward appearance will follow. It doesn’t work the other way around.
    When we teach people about God’s commands, we need to do more than teach them the “rules”. We need to work with them to teach them how to keep those “rules”. Jesus condemned the teachers of religious law for teaching the laws, but not offering to help people to keep those laws. Our job is to help people live a righteous life, not to condemn them for failing to do so.


Deuteronomy 29-30:20

    This passage was addressed primarily to the people of Israel and talked primarily about the land of Israel, but it applies to all of the peoples on this earth. The blessings and curses laid out in these passages apply to all mankind. Those who love and obey God will be blessed. Those who rebel against God and seek after other gods will be cursed.
    Today God is giving you a choice. If in the past you have rebelled against God and are suffering His curse, today you can choose to turn to Him and start walking in His way. If you do so, He will bless you and show you life. I do not know how to write this as I feel it needs to be written. I am convinced that someone will read this today who God is calling right now. All I can think is to quote the final paragraph of today’s passage (and to pray for you, whoever you are):
Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life. And if you love and obey the Lord, you will live long in the land.

April 5, 2015 Bible Study — The Lord Is Risen!

He is risen indeed! Today is Easter, the day we celebrate Jesus rising from the dead. Today we celebrate the most important part event in Christian history. Easter far outstrips Christmas as an important day. On Christmas we celebrate Jesus’ birth, but people are born everyday. On Easter we celebrate Jesus rising from the dead. This was a special occasion. Let us remember it and celebrate it. For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:18

    It can be fun to find just the right word to shut some one up by insulting them in a way that hurts just a little bit. Knowing how to say something so that it stings just a little bit and makes everyone else laugh is a talent people admire. However, the true talent is saying something that makes someone who is hurting feel better about themselves. It is that to which the wise aspire.


Psalm 77:1-20

    The psalmist tells us what to do when we feel abandoned by God, when we feel like His love is gone forever. The answer is to meditate on what God has done in the past. When we look at what God has done in the past we will realize that things today are not more than He can handle. God will act in His time for those who serve Him. Let us bring our requests to Him with patience and persistence.


Luke 11:14-36

    Jesus talks about what happens when an evil spirit is cast out of someone. He talks about how the spirit goes out for a time, but before long returns. It finds the person who had been its home cleaned up and now an even more pleasant place to live, so it moves back in and invites its friends. This is what happens to someone who is rescued from an evil, destructive lifestyle who does not replace that lifestyle with something holy. The temptation will come upon them, they will return to that lifestyle, and they will be worse off than before.
    The lesson here for us is that we can rescue people from drugs, or alcohol, or sexual addiction, or any of a large number of self-destructive lifestyles without involving the Lord. However, if they do not invite the Holy Spirit into their lives, the demons of those lifestyles will return and inhabit them once more. When we cast the demons, literal or figurative, out of someone, there is only one way to ensure that those demons will not take up residence again. That is for a Spirit more powerful than they to take up residence instead. If the Holy Spirit does not reside within us, the demons of the sins from our former lives will return and take up residence, bringing more demons with them. However, the Holy Spirit will not share His home with other spirits. If He lives within us, He will not permit those demons to enter.


Deuteronomy 28:1-68

    Moses gave the Israelites some promises from God and some warnings. And while these were intended specifically for the Israelites, they apply to a lesser degree to any people. When a nation of people walk in God’s ways, follow His commands, and strive to serve Him, they will be blessed. They will prosper and their enemies will flee from them. However, if that same nation refuses to listen to God and will not obey His commands, if it stops striving to serve Him, they will be cursed. As I look at the blessings and curses in this passage, I see in them a reflection of things which have happened to various nations throughout the world at various times in history.

April 4, 2015 Bible Study — Lessons On Prayer

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:15-17

    The first two proverbs fit together. Those who will not listen to advice will usually get angry with those who try to warn them about the weakness in their plan. However, the thing to do with these proverbs is to use them as a mirror for ourselves. Do I listen to others when I make plans? Do I incorporate what they say into my plans? Do I get angry when people insult me?
    As I read and thought about this, I realized a place where I struggle dealing with this. When people suggest I attempt to solve a problem using something I already tried, I have a tendency to feel insulted and get angry. The wise person stays calm in such a situation. I am working on recognizing that people often give such advice knowing that I probably know to try it, but may have forgotten. Let us all work on staying calm when we think someone is insulting us.


Psalm 76:1-12

    I like this psalm, but I struggled with finding something to say about it. Until I looked at verses 9 and 10 again. God has stood up and judged those who do evil. He has and will continue to rescue the oppressed on this earth. Those who defy God enhance His glory and He uses their defiance as a weapon to gain His victory. Those who defy God are serving Him just as much as those who submit to His will (the difference being that those who choose to do His will are rewarded, while those who attempt to resist it suffer).


Luke 10:38-11:13

    Jesus taught us how to pray. That teaching was a two part lesson (there I am with the two parts again). First He gives us a model prayer:

Father, may your name be kept holy.

God has adopted us as His children and we should look to Him as a loving, caring father. In addition, Jesus instructs us to pray that our actions show that God’s name is worthy of complete devotion. And that we pray that everyone learn to be completely devoted to God’s name. It is here that we pray for our wants. We should strive to want those things which will allow us to show that God’s name is worthy of complete devotion.

May your Kingdom come.

Our prayers should include the desire that the entire earth and everyone on it knowingly submit to God’s sovereignty (I need to do a blog entry sometime one my understanding of the Kingdom of God…not because I am so insightful, but because I need to work through comprehensively what I believe about the Kingdom of God). It is here that we pray for others, part of the coming of God’s Kingdom is others coming to Him and having their needs met.

Give us each day the food we need,

Here Jesus explains what sort of things for which it is appropriate for us to ask. We are to ask God to supply our needs, not our wants

and forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.

We need to recognize that we are sinners in need of God’s forgiveness. And we need to recognize that God has even more right to hold our sins against us as we do to hold others accountable for the harm they have done us. God is only willing to forgive us if we are willing to forgive others. Actually, we are only able to accept God’s forgiveness if we are able to forgive those who have sinned against us (or who we perceive to have sinned against us).

And don’t let us yield to temptation.

And finally we pray that God give us the strength to resist temptation while guiding us to actions which will keep us far from it.
    Having given us an example of what our prayers should look like Jesus explains the importance of patience and persistance. Note that this prayer is short and does not spend any time telling God what He has promised us, nor does it repeat itself(I understand that sometimes when we pray we repeat ourselves in order to put our thoughts in order. That is different from saying the same thing a different way on purpose. We do not need to repeat ourselves for clarity, God understand what we mean). If we remember that part of the point of prayer is to listen to God and to allow Him to show us the changes He is making in us, the emphasis on patience and persistence becomes clear.
    It takes time for us to accept the changes which God is making in us, as well as time for those changes to take hold. We will not be prepared to receive what we are asking God for if we are not patient. Further, we will not undergo the transformation God has in mind for us if we are not persistent. There is one more point about the importance of persistence and patience in praying for things from God. As we persistently and patiently pray for things, God will reveal to us how our true desires will be better fulfilled with something else (maybe different in a large way from what we started out praying for, or perhaps only different in a minor way). Let us learn to pray following the model Jesus gave us, and let us learn to be persistent in our prayers.


Deuteronomy 26-27:26

    The lesson from the first fruits offering is that we should give of our resources to God’s service before we pay our bills or use them to meet our needs. I will not condemn those who have so little that they have come to the conclusion they have none to spare for God’s ministry. I have been in that situation. I think I was wrong and that God would have provided for my needs, more importantly, I suspect that on at least one occasion I was in that situation because I had chosen to spend money on wants that should have gone to needs. Beyond that, we should put aside some of our resources to meet the needs of those less fortunate than ourselves.
    The Israelites are God’s chosen people and if they follow His commands to them, He will set them above all other nations. However, any people who serve God and strive to follow His commands will find themselves prospering.

April 3, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:12-14

    This proverb reminds me of a business man who emphasized to his subordinates the importance of telling the truth. He did not do so on the basis of it “being the right thing to do”, even though that was why he did so. He made the point of telling them that if what they said was the truth, they would not have to worry about what they had told the customers (or others). This proverb reminds us that those who use lies and distortions to stave off trouble will, in due time, find themselves trapped by the lies they have told. The righteous need not fear such a fate because they have been honest in their dealings.


Psalm 75:1-10

    I thought at first that there was not much to say regarding this psalm when I realized there is an important point here that I can expand on slightly. The psalmist tells us that it is God alone who judges. The follow up being that it is not up to me (or to you) to judge the actions of others. No, our job is to proclaim what God has done. Perhaps if we do our job, rather than trying to do God’s job, the wicked will turn from their ways and and receive God’s forgiveness as we have.


Luke 10:13-37

    When the 72 returned to Jesus they were excited because even evil spirits had submitted to them in His name. Jesus told them not to rejoice that evil spirits submitted to them. The important thing to do was to rejoice that our names are registered as citizens of heaven. We are not sent to seek out and confront the demon possessed and the evil in this world. We are sent to heal the sick, restore sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, to feed the hungry and clothe the naked, most importantly, to preach the Gospel. But the demon possessed and the evil in this world will seek us out and find us, just as they did Jesus. When that happens, He has given us authority to rebuke them in His name. We have no power over demons, spirits, and the powers of evil in this world, but Jesus does. He has given us the authority to speak in His name and, as long as we are serving Him, they have no choice but respond to the power He has delegated to us. However, we must never forget that it is not our power to which they submit.
    I was not planning on writing on the parable of the Good Samaritan, except that I realized that Jesus conclusion to that parable echoes what I wrote (or perhaps the other way around) about yesterday’s passage from Deuteronomy. Having described the actions of the Good Samaritan, Jesus tells us to go and do likewise. Once more we receive the lesson that it is not enough to not do wrong, we must actively do right by caring for those in need, even if they might otherwise be our oppressors.


Deuteronomy 23-25:19

    This is a difficult passage for me to find a lesson in because the commands seem (to me) to go all over the place. There are several here which fit together for a lesson I understand, but others which I do not understand. The lesson I understand: Treat the poor and the weak with justice, make provisions for them to be able to meet their needs. It is worth noting that the instructions for the latter are not pure charity. Rather, the command is to be less than completely efficient in harvesting your crops so as to give the poor and needy the opportunity to acquire what they need to survive by gathering what you missed. Even the command to pay laborers their wages each day was about not maximizing your wealth at the expense of those who had no other choices.

April 2, 2015 Bible Study — The Harvest Is Great, But the Workers Are Few

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:11

    Those who work hard at things known to produce something of value (such as a farmer planting crops which do well where he lives) will have more than enough to eat. On the other hand, those who spend their time chasing get rich quick schemes and the latest thing to catch their fancy will do poorly.


Psalm 74:1-23

    This psalm contains a line which reminds me of something I have been struggling with the last few years: Why do we not see more miracles among Christians today (at least in the U.S.)?

We no longer see your miraculous signs.
All the prophets are gone,
and no one can tell us when it will end.

This tells me that I am not the first person to wonder about why God’s people were not seeing His miraculous signs. The rest of the psalm talks about how God’s enemies had struck down His Temple and His people. Yet, I see signs that that may soon happen. Nevertheless, I will join the psalmist in calling upon God to defend His cause and give the poor and needy reason to praise His name.


Luke 9:51-10:12

    Luke put the accounts of the three potential followers of Jesus right before the account of His sending out the 72 for a reason. At least part of that reason is to show us the amount of dedication we need to the task to which God has called us. We have the accounts of those who were potential disciples, but were not willing to pay the price.
    Then Luke tells the account of Jesus sending out the 72. Here we learn why it is important for those who choose to follow Christ to be fully committed without second thoughts. There is a lot of work to get done and not enough workers. This means that we need to do two things: Ask God for more workers…and buckle down and get to work. There is work to be done reaching those who do not yet know the Lord. Let’s get to work!


Deuteronomy 21-22:30

    At the beginning of chapter 22 we are reminded that our responsibilities are not just passive. Doing the right thing is more, much more, than not doing wrong. We have a responsibility to help those who need assistance. If you have an opportunity to help someone and fail to do so, you are not better than someone who actively harms them. And it is indeed an opportunity with all of the positive connotations that word carries. When God send opportunities our way let us take advantage of those opportunities.