I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Today’s passage is a continuation of Jeremiah’s prophecy of the downfall and destruction of Babylon. The people of Babylon believed that their might, wealth, and power were their just due. Jeremiah reminds us that God is in charge and those who worship other gods, or set themselves up in God’s place, will learn this to their sorrow. There will be a day of reckoning when every idol will be revealed as powerless before God. Let us flee from idols and turn to God.

Paul instructs Titus to teach what is “appropriate to sound doctrine”(NIV). He then goes on to give examples of what he means. Paul divides it up into things for older and younger, men and women, but for the most part it applies equally to all of us. I will strive to live wisely and with self control. I will not drink heavily and I will teach what is good. I will act in a way that is worthy of respect, exhibiting love and patience every day. I will set an example for others by doing good works. I will make it my goal to live and speak in such a way that those who oppose what I believe will have nothing bad to say about me and will be ashamed to bad mouth Christianity.
God’s grace has been revealed and offers salvation to all people. I will live a righteous, wise, and godly life so that others may see what God’s grace has done for me and come to desire the same thing for themselves. It is not enough to live like this, beyond living according to God’s word, I will teach and encourage others to do likewise.
This passage makes me realize that there are two important aspects about my faith. First, if I truly believe, if I truly have faith in God, my life will show that in what I do each and every day. However, there is a second part. If I truly believe, if I truly have faith in the message about God contained in the Bible, I will tell others. I will strive to convince others that they too should allow the Holy Spirit to transform them. I have always loved the Francis of Assisi quote, “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” It reflects the fact that the first step in preaching the Gospel is living it. However, it is wrong in implying that if you truly live the Gospel words are rarely necessary.
If we do not live the Gospel, speaking the words is worse than useless. However, if we live the Gospel but do not explain why we are doing so, people will not come to the Lord either.

God is the ultimate ruler of all the earth and He is a lover of justice. He has established equity (the word in question means everyone being judged equally). I will praise the Lord and call on others to do the same.

Getting involved in someone else’s argument can be dangerous. You never know what emotions and thoughts lie behind the argument that is currently in progress.