I have been using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study for over a year. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I started writing this blog because the only way I can get myself to read the Bible everyday is to pretend that I am teaching someone about what it says to me. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Having been anointed by the prophet sent by Elisha, Jehu led a chariot force to Jezreel, where King Joram had gone after being wounded in battle. King Ahaziah of Judah was visiting his wounded uncle, King Joram, at the time. When the messengers Joram sent out to determine Jehu’s intent joined with Jehu rather than return, KingJoram went out to meet him himself. His nephew, King Ahaziah joined him. When Jehu responded to Joram’s greeting by condemning Jezebel’s (Joram’s mother) idolatry, Joram realized that Jehu had come to kill him. When King Joram turned to flee, Jehu drew his bow and shot him, killing him immediately. King Ahaziah of Judah also fled and Jehu pursued him ordering his men to shoot Ahaziah as well. King Ahaziah was also shot but was able to continue to Megiddo before he died.
When Jezebel heard that Jehu had killed her son, Joram, she put on her makeup and did her hair before sitting by a window. When Jehu entered the palace, she called down to him that he was a murderer. Jehu responded by asking if anyone in the room with her was on his side. When several of the eunuchs looked down to him, he told them to throw Jezebel out of the window. They did so and she died upon hitting the ground. Jehu consolidated his power by killing all Ahab’s family, fulfilling the prophecy Elijah had made concerning Ahab’s family.
When Jehu was secure on the throne, he summoned the people of Samaria and told them that he would worship Baal even more fervently than Ahab had done. He then made preparations for a great festival of worship for Baal and sent word throughout Israel summoning all Baal worshipers to it. Jehu had special robes made for the worshipers of Baal and gave them out to them as they arrived. Once all of the Baal worshipers had gathered in the temple of Baal in Samaria, Jehu stationed 80 of his men outside of the temple with orders to let no one escape. Jehu then ordered his men to kill all of the Baal worshipers and destroyed the temple. Jehu destroyed every trace of Baal worship in Israel. But he did not destroy the golden calves which Jeroboam had built and continued the practice of worshiping them.

Paul and Silas next went to Thessalonica. As usual, Paul started by going to the synagogue and teaching there first. He made the case for Jesus by expounding on how the prophets predicted that the Messiah would suffer, die and rise from the dead just as Jesus had done. Some of the Jews were convinced by his arguments, as were a large number of God fearing Greek men and prominent women. However, other Jews were angered by Paul’s teaching and rounded up some troublemakers and started a riot against Paul and Silas. They went to the home of Jason looking for them. When they failed to find Paul and Silas there they dragged Jason before the city officials and accused him of treason against Caesar. The city officials made Jason and some others post bond, then let them go.
The believers sent Paul and Silas out of town to Berea that very night. They were welcomed in Berea where the people studied the Scriptures to see if what Paul and Silas were teaching was consistent with Scripture. As a result many of the Jews became believers as did many prominent Gentiles (men and women). However, when the Jews in Thessalonica who opposed Paul learned they were teaching in Berea some of them came and started stirring up trouble. The believers immediately sent Paul to Athens, while Silas and Timothy stayed behind. When they got to Athens, Paul sent for Silas and Timothy to join him there.
While Paul was waiting for the others to arrive, he began to preach, both in the synagogue and in the public square. He was willing to engage any who wanted to discuss whether Jew, God-fearing Gentile or those who had no understanding of God. While Paul was doing this a group of Greek philosophers began debating with him. Some of them thought he was speaking nonsense, while others were interested. They invited him to speak to a group of the opinion leaders of the city.
Paul explained how even a people with a multiplicity of gods like the Athenians knew there was something more than could be explained by their pagan idols. He told them that God had made the universe and mankind so as to direct us towards Himself. Throughout history people have striven to find God and have felt their way towards Him as if in darkness. But now God has revealed Himself in fullness through Jesus Christ, whom God raised from the dead. At this point, Paul lost most of the crowd, who were unwilling to accept the idea of resurrection of the dead. Some laughed in contempt, but some wanted to hear more and a few joined Paul and became believers.

The last few days have been psalms of despair, where the psalmist was suffering from problems and difficulties. However, today is an unmitigated psalm of praise. This is what life is like for those who love and serve the Lord. We go through periods where life is difficult and our trials seem without end. But if we continue to call on the Lord and serve Him through the difficult times, He will bring us through to times of joy. when we will sing with the psalmist:
I will sing your praises with a ten-stringed harp.
We will conclude:

Those who are wise do not speak more than they need to and even those who are foolish will seem wise if they refrain from talking about things which they do not know.