I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

At the conclusion of the second census, God instructs Moses to divide up the land among the tribes according to their populations. Those tribes with more people would get more land than those with fewer. The land is to be divided by lot but according to population. The passage tells us that of those who had been counted in the first census, only Joshua and Caleb were still alive.
While they are at this camp God tells Moses that he will soon die, that he will not enter into the promised land because of his failure to fully obey God’s commands. Moses accepts the Lord’s judgment and asks that He appoint someone to lead the people after Moses’ death. God instructs Moses to anoint Joshua as his successor. In particular God instructs Moses that Joshua will consult with the high priest to determine what God’s will is in leading the people. This passage Points out the importance for an organization of a leader setting up a plan of succession. Do the organizations we are part of have a plan of succession? Do we know what we will do when the leader who has led the organization to its current success is no longer able to do so?

Today’s passage discusses the ministry of John the Baptist. John preached along the Jordan River. He did not stay in one place but traveled through the area around the Jordan River. Luke tells us that he fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah for someone to be “A voice of one calling in the wilderness,‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him. When the crowds came to John for baptism, asking them who had warned them to seek cover from the coming of God’s anger? He told them that baptism was not enough, their actions needed to reflect that they had turned from their sins. John preached a message that was a key part of Jesus’ message. It is not enough to repent of our past sins, we must bear good fruit going forward. The people asked John what they should do. John told them that anyone who has two shirts should share with someone who has none and the same holds true when it comes to food. He had an additional message for tax collectors and soldiers. Tax collectors were to only collect what the government required. Soldiers were to be content with their pay and not use their position to extort money or to accuse people falsely. We have here a message that fits with that of Jesus. First, recognize that we are sinners and turn from our sins. Second, publicly acknowledge before all that we need to be cleansed by God of our sins. Then, take action to show that we have repudiated the sins which we formerly practiced and act to help those around us.
The people heard John’s message and saw the power that he had from God and wanted to know if he was the Messiah. John told them that no, he was not the Messiah, but that the Messiah was coming soon.

From the ends of the earth I will call to God for help, for the big things and for the small things. There is no place too far for God to reach and nothing too small (or too big) for Him to address. He will be my shelter. I will take refuge with Him. I need to be reminded to turn to Him for all of my problems on a regular basis.

Those who are kindhearted will gain great honor, even if they have little power. On the other hand those who are powerful and ruthless will only gain wealth. If we are kind, we will be rewarded by our very kindness. On the other hand, if we are cruel, our cruelty will destroy us. Forget what happens in the world around us, just look at what happens within us. When we are kind, it changes who we are so that we are happier and enjoy life more. However, when we are cruel it, also, changes us. It makes us bitter and unhappy causing us to enjoy life less.