I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

The passage lays out the practice of becoming a Nazarite, that is, one dedicated to the Lord. The idea is that they would make a vow dedicating themselves to the Lord for a period of time. During that time they would be dedicated to performing some action for the Lord and would not drink any alcoholic beverage (or even eat anything derived from the grapevine), they would not cut their hair (I read this to include their beard, but that may be a misunderstanding) and they would avoid dead bodies (even those of close relatives). At the end of the period of their vow, they would ritually cut their hair and offer a special sacrifice indicating that it was completed.
Next the passage gives a blessing that the priests are to give to the people of Israel in the Lord’s name. It is one that has often been used as the benediction of worship services.
and protect you.
May the Lord smile on you
and be gracious to you.
May the Lord show you his favor
and give you his peace.’
I had not realized that this benediction came from this source. I have not heard this used in some time and would like to hear its use revived.
Today’s passage concludes with a description of the offering brought by the leaders of each tribe for the dedication of the completed Tabernacle.

After the exchanges in which various religious leaders and teachers of religious law had attempted to trap Jesus with their questions, Jesus taught the people to beware of them. He accused them of desiring to gain honor as men of righteousness while at the same time cheating the vulnerable. He then goes and sits down by the collection box and watched as people went through and made their cash offerings. Many wealthy people came by and threw in large amounts of money. Then a poor widow came by and put in two small coins. Jesus pointed this out to His disciples and commended the widow. He told them that her donation was more to God because the others gave out of their excess, while she gave out of what she had to live on. Her offering actually cost her. We should strive to follow her example.
As they left the Temple that day one of the disciples pointed out to Jesus how magnificent the Temple was. Jesus told him that the buildings of the Temple compound would be destroyed, razed to the ground. Peter, James, John and Andrew asked Jesus privately when that would happen, what the signs would be that it was about to happen? Jesus tells them that there would be wars and rumors of wars, armed strife throughout the world. There would be earthquakes and famines. His followers would be arrested and suffer punishment for following His teachings. They would be brought to trial before various government officials where they would be called on to testify to His name. Jesus told them not to prepare in advance what they would say. They were to say what came to them as they testified because the Holy Spirit would speak through them. I think this is meant us as much as for the disciples and not just when we are brought before persecuting tribunals. Are we willing to say what the Holy Spirit leads us to say when we are in a situation where acknowledging our faith might get us ridiculed? As important, do we let the Holy Spirit guide our speech when we make public presentations, or do we think we have to have it all planned out in advance? Do I?

We are all the same before God, rich and poor, powerful and weak. Those who rely on their wealth and boast of their connections and power will die and stand before God just as those who have nothing. Their great wealth will not buy them from the grave and punishment for their sins. Only by placing our trust in God can we hope to have redemption from our sins. In the end, our wealth and power will gain us nothing when we come before God.

It is fear of the Lord that allows us to live a long and happy life. Those who revel in wickedness will find their lives cut short. Those who obey the Lord and live in righteousness will find joy in all they do, while those who follow wicked paths will find their hopes crumble to dust.