I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Sarah died when she was 127 years old near what was later called Hebron. Abraham approached the elders of the local town and negotiated to buy a plot of land that included a burial cave where he buried Sarah’s body. Shortly after this, Abraham called in his senior servant, who was in charge of all that Abraham had. He asked this servant to take an oath not to find a wife for Isaac among the people of Canaan, but rather to return to the land of Abraham’s birth and get a wife for Isaac there. The servant took ten camels loaded with goods from Abraham’s possessions and went to the region where Abraham was from. When he arrived at his destination and stopped near the town well he prayed to God for guidance. He laid before God what we often call a fleece (from the actions of Gideon who lived long after the time we are now discussing). The servant asked God that when he asked a young woman for a drink that if she was the one that God had chosen for Isaac, she would not only give him a drink but offer to water his camels as well.
No sooner had he prayed for this sign then Rebekah came to draw water from the well. Abraham’s servant approached her and asked her for a drink of water. She quickly lowered her water jar and gave him a drink of water. As soon as he had finished drinking, Rebekah told him that she would draw water for his camels. She emptied her water jar into the trough and quickly returned to the well and drew enough water to water all of the camels. The servant did not say anything until the camels had finished drinking. He then took out three pieces of jewelry that had a gold value of about $7200 on today’s gold market. He then asked her whose daughter she was and whether there was room in her father’s house for himself and those with him to spend the night. Rebekah responded that she was the granddaughter of Nahor (who was Abraham’s brother) and that they had straw and fodder to feed his camels as well as space for him to spend the night. The servant immediately Gave praise to God, telling Rebekah that she was related to his master Abraham. Rebekah ran home and told her family what Abraham;s servant had told her. When Rebekah’s brother Laban saw the jewelry and heard her story, he rushed out and invited Abraham’s servant to come and stay with them (notice that the story-teller indicates that Laban’s primary interest was the jewelry). When the man came into the house they put food before him. He told them that he would not eat until he had told them his story. He then explained the mission he was on for Abraham and the sign he asked from God. He then explained how Rebekah fulfilled that sign. When Bethuel, Rebekah’s father, and Laban heard his story, they immediately told him that this was from the Lord and they were not willing to stand in the way of what the Lord so clearly supported. They told him to take Rebekah to be the wife of his master’s son.
This is a great story. We can learn some lessons about seeking God’s will and about how God reveals His will. When Abraham’s servant got to his destination he prayed to God for guidance. He asked for a specific event to show him God’s will. When he got that event, he acted immediately. He did not second guess the sign. Then we see God follow-up by giving him further confirmation that Rebekah was the woman God intended for Isaac, he discovered that Rebekah was Abraham’s great-niece. Also, notice how the sign that Abraham’s servant asked for was indicative of a woman who would make a good wife for Isaac (Rebekah showed a hospitable spirit by on her own initiative watering his camels). God’s follow-up sign fulfilled one of the wishes for a wife for Isaac (she was from the household of Abraham’s relatives).

When Jesus finished the Sermon on the Mount and came down from the mountainside a man with leprosy approached Him and knelt. The leper declared to Jesus, “If you are willing, you can heal me.” Jesus reached out and touched him. Leprosy was a scary disease and somewhat contagious (and generally viewed as disgusting), but Jesus was willing to touch this man. Jesus told the leper that He was indeed willing to heal him. Jesus told the man not to tell anyone about the healing until he had gone to a priest and been examined according to the Law so that the evidence of his healing could be properly noted (for the man’s sake, not Jesus’).
When Jesus entered Capernaum a centurion approached Him and asked Him to heal his servant. Jesus asked the centurion if He should come with him to heal his servant. The centurion replied that he was unworthy to have Jesus in his house. The centurion was confident that if Jesus said that his servant would be healed, the servant would be healed. Jesus commended the man for his faith and told him to go, his servant would be healed. We are told that the servant was healed at that moment. I wish that I had the faith of that centurion. I believe that God will do such things, but I have trouble believing that He will do them through me. Dear Lord, give me the faith of the centurion in this story.

O Lord have mercy on me because I do not deserve to be treated well, yet as long as You have mercy on me and leave me on this earth, I will praise Your name. I will not make the mistake of thinking that I can work my way out of my problems. I know that on my own I will merely be trapped by the wickedness of my acts. If I plot to trap others, those traps will spring on me and entrap me. I will deal honestly and strive to help the poor and needy. I know that you will bring them aid, do not let me be the one they need aid against.

The writer tells the reader to remember what he has taught then summarizes his teaching. The first lesson is to always be loyal and kind. If we do this, people will think well of us and we will find favor with God. The second lesson is to trust God with all of our being, seek to do His will in everything we do. Rather than rely on our own understanding, let us follow the path that God shows us.