I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Ezekiel continued to describe the vision he had of a new Temple and its rituals. He condemned the people of Israel for hiring foreigners to oversee the Temple in the time before the exile. He told them that in the new Temple no one who has not surrendered themselves completely to the Lord will be allowed into the sanctuary of the Temple. When I read this I think of the professional pastors I have met who are not sure that they believe in the Resurrection, yet are still employed as pastors in various churches, or the seminary professors who say that it would in no way damage their faith to learn that Jesus had never actually lived.
Ezekiel described more of the rituals and rules concerning the rebuilt Temple and who could serve there. Then he gave rules for princes. He told them that they should not cheat people out of their homes. They should use honest weights and measures. The same standard of weights and measures should be used by everyone and used for every customer. I believe there are two, not exactly the same lessons here. First, units of measure should be standard so that people know what they are getting for their money. Second merchants should apply true measures of that standard. This is related to yesterday’s lesson on honesty and integrity. I would take it further to say that a merchant should have one price for everyone although that is going a bit beyond what this particular passage says. A price that is clearly stated for all to see. I am not saying that I have a problem with volume discounts. What I am talking about is a different price for Sally than for Joe when in all other ways the purchases are the same.

Today I begin reading Peter’s first letter. We have an inheritance that is beyond price that we have received through God’s great mercy by way of Jesus death and resurrection. It is being kept for us in heaven beyond the reach of change and decay. Unlike Social Security, or our retirement funds, we know that it will be there in its full amount when we get there. Social Security and our retirement funds are guaranteed by mere humans and are no more reliable than any other human promise. Our heavenly inheritance is guaranteed by God and can be relied upon to be as He promises.
So even though we have to face many trials in this life, we should be glad. Those trials merely test and purify our faith as fire tests and purifies gold. We love Christ even though we have never seen Him. We trust Him even though we cannot see Him. We will receive the salvation of our souls as a reward for our trust. Peter wrote of the joy we get from exercising this trust and I must say that it is true. I have experienced a great joy when in the face of difficult times I have been able to fully put my trust in God. We have received the Good News through the agency of those who have preached it in the power of the Holy Spirit. Do we allow the Spirit to move in us so as to preach the Good News to those around us? Do we allow the power of the Holy Spirit to move through us? Do we seek for the Holy Spirit to move through us to preach the Good News to those we meet?

The psalmist asks the Lord to be good to him so that he can obey the Lord’s commands. I strive to desire good so that I may serve the Lord. Help me Lord to overcome my tendency to use the good you give me for my own pleasures rather than in service to You. Please Lord let the desire to obey Your commands overwhelm me. Renew my determination to meditate on Your words. Remind me of the wisdom of following Your instruction.
Like the psalmist I will strive to lay my plans out before the Lord and wait for Him to offer corrections to them. I do not wish to make plans that do not have God’s approval. I will test my plans by meditating on God’s words and actions. I will call on the Lord to keep me from lying to myself and show me how to keep His commands. I have chosen to be faithful, but I am human and fail. Help me Lord to cling to your laws and commands. As I pursue following the Lord’s commands, He grants me new understanding.

Those who profit from mistreating the poor will find their fortunes in the hands of those more caring. Those who petition God in prayer must respect the laws and orderly behavior. Those who deceive good people into following evil plans will suffer from the results of those plans.