I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Daniel recounted a vision he had during the reign of King Belshazzar of Babylon. In the dream he saw four beasts rise up out of a great sea. He gives a description of each of the beasts. The fourth beast has the most detailed description. It is described as starting out with ten horns. Then a small additional horn arises and three of the original ten horns are ripped out to make room for it. The small horn had human eyes and a mouth and it boasted of its great might. The fourth beast was killed and burned with fire while the other three beast had their power taken from them but lived on for a time. Then Daniel saw someone like a “son of man” come from heaven who was given sovereignty over all of the earth and a kingdom that would last forever.
Daniel’s vision was explained to him. He was told that the four beasts were four kingdoms that would rise to power on the earth, but in the end the Kingdom of God would displace them and last to eternity. To this point it appears to be a vision recounting the same future as the one from Nebuchadnezzar’s dream that first brought Daniel to prominence. However, the explanation of the fourth kingdom contains additional information. It tells us that a ruler would arise over the fourth kingdom who would defy God and attempt to change the religious practices of the people of God. As with many apocalyptic prophecies there are many interpretations of this prophecy. On the face of it, it appears to me to be a prophecy about something different from that of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. At least elements of it refer to the four kingdoms that Alexander the Great’s empire split into upon his death. I, also, believe that there are other times and places where this prophecy will apply. The rise of the boastful ruler who attempts to co-opt rituals and behaviors designed to worship God into worship of himself and pillars of his power base is a common theme throughout history. History, also, shows us that such rulers repeatedly use the power they so gather to bring horror upon those they rule over. These rulers generally come to a destructive end. There is more to be taken from this passage, but for today I come away with the knowledge that rulers will arise who think that they can displace God. They will persecute any who do acknowledge any god higher than themselves. Yet, ultimately God will bring them down in a way that shows that He is in control of history.

Today I begin the book of 1 John. The author begins by declaring that he had seen and touched Jesus in the flesh. He is telling what he has actually seen and heard. Jesus is the Word of life and life itself. If we listen to and follow the words contained within this book, we will have fellowship with the author and with God. If we are attentive to these teachings we will share the joy that the author experienced.
God is light, if we live in spiritual darkness we do not have fellowship with God. If we practice the truth of God’s word, spiritual darkness will be driven out of our lives, just as bringing light into a room drives out the darkness. I need to work at shining God’s light into all the corners of my life to drive out sin. The author tells us that if we claim to be without sin, we are liars and we are calling God a liar. However, if we admit to our sins and strive to turn from them God will forgive us and cleanse us from wickedness. I strive to make sure that those around me do not get the impression that I think I am without sin, or better than them.

The very essence of the words of God is truth. God’s rules are based on essential truth about humans and the world. Those who choose to ignore His words and behave wickedly are traveling into great danger because they are moving away from that which is truthful and essential. If we love doing what God desires and walk in the path of His commands we will not stumble and God will come to our rescue when trouble threatens. When I wander away from the Lord’s will and stumble into trouble, I will cry out to Him and He will guide me back to His path’s and out of trouble. I love the final verse of today’s psalm:
come and find me
That sums up so much of my life and God’s faithfulness in coming to find me when I have cried out to Him.

In the long run those around you will be happier if you give them honest criticism than if you flatter them. Someone who is willing to steal from their parents will be equally willing to murder if they think they can get away with it.