I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I am back to a routine. It is not the same as my old routine, but I think it will work out well. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Ezekiel returns to the watchman metaphor he used early in the book. I believe that God has made us watchmen (and women) to those around us. When God reveals to us that He is about to bring judgment against those around us for their wicked acts, we must warn them of the coming consequences of their actions. If we do not, God will hold us accountable for their suffering. If one the other hand, we do warn them of God’s impending judgment and they choose to not change their ways, then the results are on their own heads. Then he gives us a message to deliver. If the wicked will turn from their wickedness, they will be saved. On the other hand, if the righteous turn from righteousness to wickedness, they will die. If we deliver God’s message to people who they should do what is just and right, perhaps enough people will turn from their sin that God will withhold His judgment against this nation.
Ezekiel goes on to tell the people that their numbers will not make them powerful in the face of their sins. He accuses them of being murderers, idolaters and adulterers. As such, why do they think that the land should be theirs? They measure those who speak God’s word as entertainers. They have no intention of following the instructions from God spoken by those speakers. They are too busy seeking after money and fulfilling their lustful desires. Does this not sound like many around us? Even how we sometimes judge a congregation?
“Oh, that pastor is a very good speaker, I enjoy hearing him preach.”
“Their worship service is so exciting, I always get a thrill from the singing.”
How often do we talk about how convicted a service made us feel? About how a speaker’s sermon led us to change our ways?
Then Ezekiel goes on and talks about how the shepherds set over God’s flock have allowed His sheep to be scattered and have kept the best parts for themselves. Ezekiel condemns them for failing to seek out God’s scattered sheep. Ezekiel tells us that God will send a shepherd who will seek out His scattered flocks, gather them and protect them from wild animals. Then he goes on to condemn the sheep for not being satisfied with having good pasture. No, the rich sheep destroy the pastures where the weak and needy sheep graze just because they can. The strong and well-fed sheep drove God’s sick and hungry sheep away and did not allow them to feed. How often are we like that? Fed and satisfied, driving away those who come seeking comfort and understanding because they aren’t “good enough”? God has sent His Shepherd to gather the sick and hungry to Him. His Shepherd will care for them, punishing the “healthy” sheep who attempt to drive them away from Him. I pray that I am not one who drives those seeking God’s healing away.

The author of Hebrews sums up what he has written. He tells us that we should love our fellow believers as if we were siblings. We are to show hospitality to strangers because by doing so some have entertained God’s messengers without realizing it. We should remember those who are suffering as if we were suffering as they are. We should honor marriage and remain faithful to our wedding vows, for God will surely judge those who are immoral and adulterous.
We are to be satisfied with what we have and not become worshipers of money. God will provide for our needs. He will not fail us, nor will He abandon us. Jesus does not change, so we should not become enamored of new and novel interpretations of what it means to be His followers. Let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God and never forget to share with those in need. Doing good at every opportunity that God brings our way. All too often I have missed the opportunities to do good that God has given me.

I will take no credit for any good that anyone may have experienced at my hands. What little good I have done in my life pales in comparison to the wonders that God has done for me. I will ever praise the Lord for He is my helper and my shield. Others may choose to worship material things, but I will worship and praise the eternal God.

One tests the purity of silver or gold with fire, but the purity of people is tested by good times. It is more difficult to remain faithful to God in times of plenty than in times of trial. Fools will refuse to give up their foolishness even when it brings hard times upon them.