I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I am sorry if my posts are not posted in a timely fashion for the next little while. Well, I have my power back, but I am still not able to get online in my normal routine because my Internet service has not been restored. I am able to post by using either the Internet at a friend’s house or by going to someplace that has free Wifi access. I am going to try to get something closer to my normal routine by writing down the passages for the next day and writing the blog offline. In addition, I usually compose these on my desktop PC and typing them on my laptop is a different experience. Please bear with me until I get back into my usual routine.

Ezekiel declared that Jerusalem has been worse than her sisters, Samaria and Sodom. He said that Sodom’s sin was that she was arrogant, had abundant food, and careless ease, but she did not care for the poor and needy. Yet the people of Jerusalem were guilty of the same sins and even greater abominations. God destroyed both Sodom and Samaria for their sins. Yet Jerusalem made both appear righteous by comparison. Are we today guilty of the same sins as Sodom? God has provided for my every need, and most of my wants, yet I do not do as much as I should to help the poor and needy. God, I ask that your give me the self-discipline to husband my resources so that I can do more for those in need. Show me how I can be of more service to others.
Ezekiel said that God would destroy Jerusalem for her sins, just as he had destroyed Sodom and Samaria. But God would also restore her. God would make a new covenant with the people, so that they might remember Him and follow His ways.
Ezekiel then condemns Zedekiah. The king of Babylon had put Zedekiah on the throne of Jerusalem and Zedekiah had sworn an oath of fealty to Babylon. But Zedekiah broke his oath and turned to Egypt for support. Ezekiel declared that God will bring Jerusalem down because of Zedekiah’s unfaithfulness, his oath-breaking.
Ezekiel then said that God would take a sprig from a tall tree in Lebanon and plant it in Israel. This sprig would grow to greatness and all the birds of the field would shelter under it. Thus everyone would know that God is Lord, when He brings the mighty low and lifts the weak to positions of prominence.

Jesus is our high priest and mediator with God. He serves in the true tabernacle set up by God, not by man. He serves not in the earthly tabernacle, but in the heavenly one of which the earthly tabernacle is but a copy. God has set up a new covenant with people, a covenant that is served out of the heavenly tabernacle as the first covenant was served out of the earthly tabernacle. If salvation could have been obtained through the first covenant, there would have been no need for a new covenant. Yet while the first covenant was in force, God spoke through the prophets of the new covenant He was going to enter into. God has now written His Laws into our minds and His words in our hearts. We no longer need earthly priests and prophets to tell us the will of God, we can access His word and His will for ourselves. If we accept this offer He will be merciful and forgive our iniquities and remember our sins no more.

God had done great things in bringing the children of Israel out of Egypt and they sang His praises. But they quickly forgot them and rebelled against Him. Time after time one or another leader would rise up to lead some of the people in rebellion against the leaders God had established and God would bring judgment against them. God brought plague amongst the people because of their rebellion, until Phinehas stood up and interceded with God on their behalf. In response to that righteous man God stayed the plague. Will we be like Phinehas and intercede with God on behalf of our fellow countrymen? Have we striven to serve God, and taught others to do so, in such a manner as gives us standing to intercede for our countrymen? If not, are we not partially to blame for the judgments that God is bringing against our people? Yet I believe that there is still time for us to turn to the Lord and seek His face.

Provide aid to your friends when they are in need and maintain friendships with those that your parents had befriended. Maintain your relationships with your neighbors so that when you are in need you can turn to them rather than having to rely on your family which may live distantly.