I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Jeremiah tells those from Judah that had fled to Egypt that God was going to bring disaster upon them because they refused to give up their worship of other gods. He goes on to tell Baruch, who has been his scribe and assistant, that while he will not have opportunity to do great things God will keep him safe. The passage then goes on to record the prophecy that Jeremiah made against Egypt when Pharaoh Neco was marching out to attack the Babylonians. Jeremiah predicted their complete defeat. Jeremiah also predicted the destruction of the Philistines.

Paul tells Timothy to avoid the evil desires of youth and instead pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace. Advice that we all should follow. We should stay out of foolish, ignorant arguments because they can only lead to fights and feuds. We should be gentle with everyone and patient with people who are difficult. We should gently instruct those we disagree with, relying on God to reach their hearts and show them the truth.
Paul then goes on to describe what people will be like in the last days. It sounds so much like what people are like today. So much of our culture honors people like Paul described. People who love only themselves and their money. People who scoff at God and are boastful and proud. They are disobedient and ungrateful. They consider nothing sacred. People will be unloving and unforgiving. They will slander others and exercise no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will act religious but reject the power that might make them godly. They will take advantage of the vulnerable. Does this not sound like the culture around us?
We will suffer persecution as we strive to live godly lives. We must continue to study the Scripture because it is inspired by God, or God-breathed. Scripture is useful for teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteousness. By studying the Scripture we can become equipped for every good work that comes our way.

The wicked may seem to prosper for a while, but God will bring judgement on them. He will turn their sins against them and they will pay the price. But those who trust in God can rely on Him to be their fortress and defense. When we start to slip, He will support us. When doubts fill our mind, if we turn to Him, He will comfort us and give us joy.

There are three proverbs about dealing with fools. The first tells us not to rely on a fool to convey a message. They will either not deliver it, or they will deliver it in such a manner that it is misunderstood. The second tells us that when a fool knows wise sayings, they will apply them in an inappropriate manner. Finally we learn that giving honors to a fool is completely non-productive.